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Members are our biggest asset, that coupled with our outstanding venue.  The ethos of inclusion for all, a voice for all and everyone being equal. This has ensured that WMBC has become a real success story. 

We sail all types of vessel, yachts, electric & power boats, fast electrics, scale and steam, even submarines, unfortunately we don't allow i/c


We pride ourselves on being a club for everyone, regardless of budget or ability, we are all about the hobby. Plenty of help and support no matter your skill set or ability.

The modelling prowess of our members is second to none, the vessels we can call part of the WMBC fleet are hard to better. 

Our members would say we are  " Simply the Best ". 

Genuine Quotes from our members: 


"The whole team is like one big family, welcoming, caring and always looking out for each other x Dad would have been overwhelmed today x 🏆 well done team WMBC"

"Your simply the best!!! 🎉🤩🏆🏆"

"I have never been in a club before where I have felt so welcomed and included, I love my time with WMBC"

If your interested in finding out more about WMBC send us an email at:

Cob House Country Park

Click on the pictures below to link to the relevant website's

Cob House Country Park

The Mayfly Cafe @ Cob

House Country Park

© 2019 W.M.B.C. Proudly created by SDW

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